Sunday, June 07, 2020





CHAPTER I            In the beginning                                          


CHAPTER II           Move to 113                                           


CHAPTER III          My Grand-Parents                                    


CHAPTER IV          Early Childhood Memories                       


CHAPTER V           113 High Street, Ardersier                       


CHAPTER VI          Primary School Days                              


CHAPTER VII         Home Life: Christian Influences                        


CHAPTER VIII        The Fishing                                             


CHAPTER IX          Inverness Royal Academy                          


CHAPTER X           Memories of Childhood in Ardersier:-           


                              a)       Milk from Milton Farm                      

                              b)       Soldiers' Trains                                 

                              c)       The Jetty                                   

                              d)       Boating                                           

                              e)       Speldings and Kippers                    

                               f)       Scouting                                         

                              g)       Summer Activities:                         

                                                  i)        Tarry Feet                   

                                                  ii)        Dirkins

                                                  iii)       The Nairn games

                                                  iv)       Childhood games

                                                  v)       Cycles

                                                  vi)       Camping out

                                                  vii)      Walking

                                                  viii)     Smoking

                                        h)       Winter Activities                   

                                        i)        Hogmanay                             

                                        j)        Christmas                              

                                        k)       Drama and Dance


 CHAPTER XI          Law Apprenticeship in Inverness:-


a)     The Office                                           

b)     Marriage Lines                                   

c)     Aliment                                             

d)     Wild Goose Chase                               

e)     Rent Collection                                    

f)     A Real Highland Funeral                       

g)     More on Banns                                    

h)     Small Debt Actions                              

i)      Other Actions                                      

j)      Accountancy and Income tax                 

k)     Wills                                                  

l)      Caught Red-handed                              

m)    Groceries and Tradesmen's Accounts     

n)     Bunting and Champagne                       

o)     And so to Edinburgh                            






CHAPTER XII         Edinburgh:-


a)       Arrival                                             

b)       Palmerston Place Church                    

c)       Kinmont and Maxwell W. S.                

d)       Edinburgh University (pre-war)         

e)       Leisure Activities                              

f)        The Peoples' Palace                           

g)       War in the Offing                               





CHAPTER XIII        And so to War:-


a)  The first month                                           

b)  Learning to be an Artillery Clerk                   

c)  To Selkirk and Piddlehinton                         

d)  The Second B. E. F.                                       

e)  East Anglia                                                 

f)   Back to Scotland                                         

g)  O. C. T. U.                                                    

h)  182 Field Regiment                                     

i)   Combined Operations Bombardment Unit      

j)   Engagement and Marriage                          

k)  Holland                                                     

l)   Dundonald Again                                       

m) Eritrea - Egypt - Release from Army             





CHAPTER XIV        'Civvy' Street Once Again:-


a)       Edinburgh                                             

b)       Glasgow                                                





CHAPTER XV         A Few Tales:-


a)       Yachts at Gourock                             

b)       Substation Noise                               

c)       Substation Vibration                         

d)       Anti-Freeze                                      

e)       No rent from Socialists                      

f)        Seaside Cottage                                 

g)       Very First "Public" Speech                  

h)       Another Lump Please                        

i)        Law Student : Piper                           

j)        You're white all over                          

k)       He's my Uncle                                   

l)        Orkney Uranium                               

m)      More Uranium                                  

n)       Tail Gunner                                      

o)       Slap on the face                                 

p)       Whiteside                                        

q)       Shaving                                            

r)        She had to go too                               

s)       Piesporter at Houston House              

t)        Electricity theft                                 

u)       Yes miss, I paid                                 

v)       Tinkers curse                                    

w)       A high flying hat                                

x)       High finance!                                    

y)       F. P. Dinners                                     


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